News from C21HA, V

News from C21HA, V

Last night on the 80 meter was less noisy making it possible to hear the stations from State side. However there was stormy weather which caused some minor damages on the antenna system in the time of 80 meter NA operation.

We can do nothing during the night in the high tide, than to wait for the morning low tide. We could make some QSO with the damaged antenna on 40 meter early in the morning.

We spent 5 hours to fix and repair the damages. We also put the antenna controller even higher on the pole. Now it is on 3.5 meter. Now, everything is back to the normal condition. We do hope that this hight is safe enough even in the stormy big waves. We lost lots of time, first on the 80 meter with NA, than we lost the morning opening to EU on the lower bands, than to the NA/SA on the higher bands. This is the reason of the low QSO number on this day.

We received questions about the 160 meter operation. We can just repeat, that unfortunately the Equatorial noise level still very high, S7-S9. At this noise level we can not hear anything. We continously monitoring the band condition and as soon as the white noise level is getting down to allowing the operation on the top band, we will be there.

15/12/10 meters to EU. Unfortunately the Solar radiation storm still block these bands and they are closed in the time of the possible EU operating time. We are optimistic and we do hope that in the next two weeks the band conditions getting better allowing us to get over to EU on the higher bands, as well. Please understand, that the propagation from the Equator is completely different, than ie. 100 km Southern, or Northern QTH. We also see in the cluster, that the 10 meter is open to EU from ZL. It is not the same, so please do not make the conclusion, that we do not pay attention to EU on these bands.

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