Please do not send QSL via the buro !
Help to save buro expenses. Use my OQRS system for buro card request.
It saves time and as well as cost to receiving our QSL cards via the buro.
I do not upload log to eQSL and QRZ.com log.
Do not send email with digital QSL. It goes to spam folder and will be deleted.
OQRS direct QSL card + Express LotW
4.50 USD
Direct QSL cards are posted weekly. LotW upload within maximum 72 hours, tipically within 24 hours.
OQRS buro requests
I do not need your QSL card !
Please do not send QSL via the buro !
Do not send DIGITAL QSL eighter! Those emails go to spam folder and will be deleted.
Use my OQRS to claim your buro QSL card !
OQRS Express LotW and OQRS Express LotW + Buro card
3.50 USD
LotW will be uploaded within 72 hours for all OQRS Express LotW and OQRS Direct confirmation request.
LotW upload
The complete log will be uploaded to the LotW six months after the DX operation.
Mail direct requests (not prefered)
5.00 USD
If you decide to send direct QSL card request by mail, please send self addressed envelope and sufficient fund to cover the post expenses to
Gaspar Istvan
1196 Budapest,
Rakoczi u. 85.
Please note: 2 USD does not cover the post fee, not even to Europe. QSL direct request with less than 5 USD will be answered via buro.
No coin, no IRC, no stamp accepted.
Self Addressed Envelope requirements: self adhesive LC6 size (114mm x 162mm) must be included. Using other size SAE the QSL card will be sent via buro.
Not in Log ?
If you could not find your QSO in the logsearch, but you are sure that it was a good contact, use the on-line Log Check Request function in the search result window. I will search for error and will make the correction, if necessary. In this case, please do not send direct QSL request until you receive the answer about the QSO in question. I will not answer log check request emails.