The Internet access is limited in Lesotho, so I can just inform you, that I went QRT on 22 March, 02:50 UTC. There are 4,097 QSO in the log from 94 DXCC entities.
The log is uploaded to the LotW and for search into the database. I will upload the log to the eQSL system, as well, as soon as I get home. Thank you for the contacts and sorry for the low signal level.
I need to say many thanks to Jennifer Thorn and all the staff of the Trading Post Guest House, Roma, Lesotho.
I am deeply impressed by, and very gratefull for their kind care and for their attention with they made my staying very comfortable.
I could not read my emails in Lesotho. I will answer to everyone from home. However, I will not answer to the flag collector's request. They need understand, that the internet access and as well as my time is very limited, so I can not visit any collector's website. I am happy if I can upload the logs.
I will also inform you about the result of the donation campaign and as well as about the decision of the Committee of Leratong Community Centre made regarding this amount.
73, Pista, 7P8AO