When we fixed the antenna coupler we could tune the antenna for 80 meters, as well, without any trouble. The faulty rellay caused significant delay working on 80 meters. Yesterday morning it was working well.
George could log several stations from EU. Most of them were week, but there were several big guns. The strongest station was HA7UG, his signal was like a cannon fire.
We are exceeded 8 kQSO. Very hard to work on 20 meters with Europe..Huge massive pile-up, for hours every evening.
The stations are strong here when the short path is open for you. The long path is obstructed for us by a small hill. The signals are week on LP.
The operation is slow with EU on all bands, due to the continuous callers and inpatient operators. This evening, 07-08 UTC, we will try 12 and 10 meters band again. The sonspot number is 34, so hopefully we can get over.
OC-111 operation: Unfortunately we have to cancel this trip, due to the circumstances and consideration, as follows,
We could find transportation to the island early in the morning. However we should have to spend the night there, as the motorboat can be back for us on the next afternoon only. We should have to spend the night there, but we could not find any solution to be in safe there. We could not take the risk to have an overnight alone on those remote island. Our safe is the first. Sorry about it, but we have had to make this decision. We can only hope your understanding.
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