Africa Tour 2024 PR #4

Africa Tour 2024 PR #4

I am going to close my Africa Tour and A25AO will go QRT on 14th Oct. Monday afternoon. I will open the OQRS and Log Check Request function.

There are 12 000+ QSOs in the A25AO log from 141 DXCC entities mainly on FT8 mode. Unfortunately the electric fences generated high noise level and made very hard to copy the CW signals.

I answered the log check request for CW QSOs in the log of Z22AO and 9J2AO logs I received so far.

I will leave Botswana on 15th Oct. Tuesday noon and will arrive home on 16th afternoon. I will work on the request to check the logs for FT8 QSOs in next coming days when I am at home.

I enjoyed working from these three wonderful countries very much. 

Thank you for the QSOs.