3DA0AO Kingdom of Eswatini (former Swaziland)

3DA0AO Kingdom of Eswatini (former Swaziland)

During the second half of September, 2018 I will operate from the Kingdom of eSwatini (former Swaziland). I applied for the license in early April which is expected to be issued soon. The requested call sign is 3DA0AO. I will operate: 80-10m, CW, RTTY, FT8 and some SSB.

Station setup includes: Elecraft K3, KPA 500, vertical antenna, with N1MM+ logging. Log search&OQRS will be available at: https://www.ha5ao.com.

I will continue with my humanitarian project work, as I did at Lesotho, by supporting an orphanage. School items and small gifts for the children will be delivered to the orphanage. More details to follow.

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