3DA0AO Eswatini (Swaziland) 2018 Press release #2

3DA0AO Eswatini (Swaziland) 2018 Press release #2

Pista HA5AO will arrive eSwatini (Swaziland) on 14 September, late afternoon. He plans to operate during his free time between 16 - 28 September from the Mountain Inn Resort at Mbabane. He received the 3DA0AO license and an LotW certificate.

Pista will operate 80 – 10 meters using a Hustler 6 BTV vertical antenna with 17 and 12 meter add-on elements, CW, RTTY and FT8. He is bringing an Elecraft K3 with the KPA 500 amplifier. Logsearch will be available on HA5AO.com. His plans include testing a new feature of his OQRS & QSL Management Platform, the uploading of QSOs in real time.

While in-country he will travel to rural areas visiting villages, schools and orphanages to deliver school supplies to orphaned children. He is interested in making a long term donation agreement to pay school fees for several orphaned children.

Pista is paying all expenses from personal funds. However he would appreciate donations through his website. Any donations received will be used only for humanitarian purposes.

You may see Pista’s previous humanitarian projects at HA5AO.com

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