On Thursday Sept. 13, 2018 I will leave Budapest for the Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland) and arrive on 14th late afternoon.
I will set up the station on Saturday Sept 15th. I plan to enter the Africa All Mode International DX Contest, single operator, all band, high power CW only category, which is held this weekend.
The contest rules can be found at: http://www.sarl.org.za/Web3/Members/DoDocDownload.aspx?X=201712180812348XdiUz5yFy.PDF
Station setup: Elecraft K3s, KPA-500 power amplifier and vertical antenna. I will be active until the end of September mostly on CW, RTTY and FT8 (only Fox / Hound mode, please only use WSJT-X Version 1.9.x.)
After the contest, if the Internet is available the log will be uploaded in real time to the Log Search and OQRS system at HA5AO.com
QSL via HA5AO. Please do not send your QSL via buro, use the OQRS system for confirmation via the buro.
I continue the humanitarian fund raising for the orphaned and at risk children of eSwatini. I pay all expenses, travel, accommodation, food, overweight luggage fees, from personal funds.
One hundred percent of your donation is used for humanitarian purposes, school fee, food, clothing, and school supplies. Your donation will help change a child's life.
You may use the donate button at my website.