Press release #2

Press release #2

Pista HA5AO is operating from the Molangoane Lodge, near Ha Ntsi. The lodge is located on a plateau with no high mountains nearby.

The take off to the N and NW it is clear. The NE to JA is slightly blocked by a mountain but it is far enough away to not cause too much of a problem.

He is using a K3 with KPA 500. The antenna is a wire vertical on a 10 meter fiberglass pole with a remote controlled SGC 250 auto tuner. There are 12 x 10.5 meter radials with a copper ground rod. It can be tuned from 80 to 10 m, sorry no TB capability this trip due to high noise levels.

The noise is s6 s9 on the low bands making the copy impossible and s3 s5 on the higher bands where copy is difficult. RFI is not a problem, at least no complains from the lodge management.

He received a Busted call request claiming QSOs on 20 February between 15:10 and 16:27. He was not operating at that time, probably a pirate.

He is operating in his free time. The last operating time will be this Saturday morning when he will disassemble the station. He departs for Budapest on Sunday morning.

The log is at:

Logsearch & OQRS


Gene K5GS for Pista HA5AO

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