I will return to eSwatini (Swaziland) in the second half of September 2019. I will be active for 14 days on the bands of 80-10 m in CW, RTTY, FT8. The exact date will be announced later. My 3DA0AO license was issued last year. Station setup includes: Elecraft K3s, KPA 500, vertical antennas, with N1MM+ logging software.
Following the Swaziland operation I will return to Lesotho again in the first half of October. I will use the 7P8AO call sign. Bands, modes and station setup as above. The length of operation is 14-16 days.
Log search & OQRS will be available at: https://www.ha5ao.com. More details will follow.
73 Pista, HA5AO (3DA0AO, 7P8AO)