3DA0AO & 7P8AO QSL status

3DA0AO & 7P8AO QSL status

LotW: I uploaded the logs two times a day still during the operation.  I received a few NIL log check request.  Some QSO claims were fixed and also uploaded to LotW.

7P8AO QSL: The first batch of 7P8AO direct QSL cards was posted today. The next batch will be posted at mid November. The bureau requests will be printed and sent possibly in June next year.

3DA0AO QSL card: I sent pictures for designing and printing the card to Max, ON5UR print shop.

Please do not send QSL via the bureau. Claim your bureau card using my OQRS.


Random Image 3DA0AO 2018-19

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