ZS6JR, 7P8YI, 7P8AO, 7P8CF, 7P8MM, 7P8OK

The 7P8 Lesotho 2009 Team QRT

Today, 12 08 2009 at 12:00 UTC the 7P8 Lesotho 2009 DXPedition team went QRT. The final logs are uploaded for search. We made 27 087 QSOs during this 14 days of operation. Thank you for the contacts.

Now, we need to dismount the stations and antennas. Tomorrow morning we are going to go back to Johannesburg, than every member of the team to home, according to the flight schedules.

Detailed report and photos will be published in this site, later, after arriving back home.

73, mni dx, Pista, 7P8AO

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